Custom Made Car Badges
A Family Owned Reliable Business in
Frederick, Maryland Since 1999.
Where Beauty Meets Quality
We made this car badge for the Queen of England
“Queen’s Own Yorkshire Yeomanry”
This car badge is also on display in the British Museum
We use a vintage manufacturing process very similar to the cloisonné badges made in England back in the 1930s and 1940s.
These badges are made to last for many years.
Our standard size badges are three inches in diameter, 18 karat gold or chrome plated solid metal 3 mm thick. (No plastic is ever used.)
We also offer several finishes for your “upscale” car badge: Cloisonne coloring and metal finish of your choice. We even offer 18 karat gold plating at no additional cost.
Cloisonné on bronze or brass emblems were used on most cars until the 1940’s. They continued to be used on some expensive American cars for several years. Foreign sports cars still use them routinely. Cloisonné badges can be found on the radiator grille, headlight bars, side mounts, and in the interior as well.
How To Order Car Badges
Send us a picture or a design.
(You may use a scanner to get a picture of a badge for us to copy.)
We need to know:
1. The size of the badges you want. 3 inches round is the standard size and shape, but we can make just about any size and shape, within reason. All our badges are a hefty 3 mm thick unless another thickness is requested.
2. The preferred method of mounting the badge on the car. Bolt onto the grille with our hardware or firmly affixed elsewhere on any flat surface with our 3-M automotive adhesive. (Should you ever wish to remove the badge that is mounted with 3M two sided tape, simply soften the adhesive with WD-40 and work a piece of Dental Floss behind the badge. The finish behind the badge will be unharmed.)
3. The colors you prefer. (Choose up to four colors without an additional charge.) Please see our color chart using the link at the top of this page of our website.
If your club does not have a logo, our artists can help you design one for your approval at no charge. We can make almost any size and shape you choose. Just give us a few of your ideas and some details of what you want and we will take it from there; with your approval, of course.
4. A slab of soft clay is pressed against the negative. This creates an imprint of the final product.
5. The clay imprint is reviewed by no less than three craftsmen. This is actually redundant but we wouldn’t want to stamp our hallmark onto anything that is not above the industry standard.
6. Mold is de-burred and polished to ensure that no “noise” such as hairline cracks, dimples, and irregularities are transferred onto the finished product.
7. The finished and approved metal mold is heat-treated, a necessary step before it can be subjected to pressures of up to 50 tonnes per square inch.
8. The mold is again cleaned, polished, and checked for defects.
9. Once the mold passes our scrutiny, stamping begins.
10. Stamped 3mm thick pieces are cut to shape and de-burred.
11. Rough polishing is then done. (Photo Below)
12. Finishing options such as cloisonne, electroplating, engraving, etc. are then applied.
13. Final polishing and cleaning is done at this time.
14. Each piece is checked for minute defects. Small errors that are invisible to the naked eye are rectified.
Purchasing your Custom Made Badge/Emblem
(Minimum Purchase is 40 Badges.)
Your design, colors, size, mounting method and any special instructions for mounting. An emailed copy of your logo or design. A high resolution “jpg.” is preferred. Please try to avoid PDF files.
When we receive your design and the funds to cover the cost of the mold. We start a file for you and keep in close contact by email. Your questions are usually answered the same day. Please refer to the name of your club or organization when sending us an email. Orders are not filed by the customer’s name.
The usual time to complete an order is 45 days.
Balance in full is required when the order for mass production is submitted. You may use your credit card through PayPal, or your personal check is always welcome.
Your 100% satisfaction is always guaranteed
Any questions?
Email me at:
I’ll try to answer right away.
Badge orders must me paid by check,

Your personal check is always welcome
Please make the check payable to:
Arnold R. Brown
902 McLendon Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
God Save America
Heaven And Hell Are Real Places
It Is Your Choice
Heaven is where God is Where you never die, have no sorrow, only peace and fellowship with God and loved ones. Hell is eternal torment, prepared for Satan and his demons. A lake of fire.
There are four things you need to know from the Bible to have assurance that you are going to Heaven when you die.
1. Gods’ word is always true. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 All includes me and you. Everyone is a sinner.
2. Everyone owes a sin debt. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death”. You must believe that if you die in your sins, you must pay the penalty for your sin by being tormented in Hell forever and eternal separation from God.
3. The good news your sin debt has been paid for by Jesus Christ dying on the cross. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
4. Any one can be saved or accept Christ. You must receive Gods’ gift by believing in your heart and asking Jesus Christ to save you. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”.
If you would like to trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, bow your head right where you are; Admit to God you’re a sinner. Believe Jesus Christ died for you and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and save your soul. Believe that He promised to save you and take you to Heaven for ever.
Arnie and Connie Brown
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